Club Events

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Bye Laws











Reviewed and Revised April 2019.



Section           Description


1.                     MEMBERSHIP.

2.                     ADMISSION TO MEMBERSHIP.

3.                     NOTICES.

4.                     BAR PERSONNEL.

5.                     SOCIAL ACTIVITIES.

6.                     SPORTING ACTIVITIES.

7.                     THE SNOOKER ROOM.


9.                     ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AND THE ELECTION OF COMMITTEE AND                               OFFICERS.


11.                  SUB-COMMITTEES.







Copies of Bye-laws from the Secretary.

(These Bye-laws revoke all previous Club Bye-laws inconsistent herewith)



1.         MEMBERSHIP.

(a) The Caversham Working Men’s Social Club is a man’s club with a Membership of not more than 700 Members.

(b) A Member is allowed to sign-in up to three Guests at a time.

(c) A £5 charge for late payment of Subscriptions or Subscriptions Renewals will be applied from 31st January 2018.

(d) A Member moving away from the area may be required to resign his Membership.

Such a Member would retain the status of temporary Member so that he could visit the

club when in the area.




Prior to the formal provision for proposal and seconding of a new Member as laid out in Rule 7(1), such persons will be selected in order from the Club waiting list.

The Proposer will be held responsible for the new Member for a period of 6 months from the day of their Election.



3.         NOTICES.

Notices, signed by the Secretary, and for the information of Members are posted from time to time on the notice boards. Except where the Contrary is explicitly stated in the Rules, this is the only method of publishing information that is required. Failure to read notices for whatever reason is not to be a plea for special consideration at any time.



4.         BAR PERSONNEL.

(a) Full -time or part-time Bar Personnel, as the Secretary's delegated representatives are authorised to refuse service to Members or others who offend against the Rules or Bye-laws of the Club. On any such occasion the incident must be reported to the Committee though the Secretary.


(b) (1) No person employed by the Club in a non-executive office may be a Member of the Club during the period of Full Time Employment. Members so employed will have their Membership held in abeyance during this time.


(b) (2) Any person employed by the Club, and who is not otherwise except by the fact, prevented from becoming a Member, may be permitted to use the Club during his free time and may sign-in Guests into the Club, same condition as if he were a Member under Rule 7 (3) (a) to (h).

This privilege is at the discretion of the Committee.




(a) Members are expected to be neat, clean and tidy in dress and appearance. Vests as outer garments will not be permitted in the Club, nor will rough untidy working clothes or boots. Tailored shorts are permitted.

Members not complying with this bye-law will be obliged to leave the Club premises.


(b) Members are expected to conduct themselves in a friendly courteous and social manner, and not to give offence through language, manner or behaviour. Breaches of this by-law may result in the suspension of Membership for a set period.


(c) Control of the gaming machines rests with the Secretary and in his absence with the Bar Personnel.

No excessive force may be used on them nor may they be switched on or off by a Member.

On special occasions such as General Meeting or Entertainment nights they may be switched off by Members of the Committee who have been delegated to do so.


(d) Control of the television and radio equipment rests with the Bar Personnel under the direction of the Secretary. The television may be used only to view sports programmes, or as ordered by the General Committee.


(e) Bar stools may not be moved from the immediate proximity of the bar. They may not be placed on the carpet or near the fruit machines.


(f) The use of e-cigarettes is not permitted inside the Club premises, except in the designated smoking areas.


(g) Members breaking the Rules relating to Guests may be asked to justify their behaviour to the Committee.


(h) Children will be allowed into the Club on Saturdays and Sundays between the hours of Noon and 6:00 pm and on special occasions at the Committee’s discretion.


(i) Parents of children using the Club are required to ensure that their children are controlled. They may not frequent the snooker room or the bar area, nor may they place money in, or operate, or accompany any person using the fruit machines.


(j)   The club rules regarding the signing in of guests into the club may be relaxed (subject to committee approval) for events that are considered to fall outside the day to day running of the club.  These occasions include (but are not limited to) Bank Holidays, Outings, Visits, Live Entertainment, Charity Events, and the hire of the function room by members for wakes or special occasions.


(k) Neither domestic pets or any other animals may be brought into the Club, or on organised Club outings, unless at the discretion of the Secretary or the Bar Personnel.





(a) Where a charge is made for participation in a sporting activity or social event, it must be paid promptly to the Bar Personnel before the commencement of the game or the date of the event.


(b) Visiting teams are Guests of the Club, and in particular of the Captain of the Club Team. The normal Club rules referring to Guests apply.



7.         THE SNOOKER ROOM.

(a) When there are more than three names on the board or further names about to be added to the list (excluding players who have just finished on other tables) no game of singles Snooker or Billiards may be started unless the persons whose names remain on the board agree to allow this and very Bye-Law by consent.

The emphasis of this provision enables the other players whose names are on the board to exercise their right to play in a four if they so wish but allows them discretion to waive that right.


(b) The order of names on the board must be followed as tables become available. A Member, unwilling to play when his turn comes up will forfeit his place and his name must be removed from the board. However, there shall be excepted from this bye-Law any Member who has entered his name on the board with that of his own guests, he shall be accommodated, should he wish to stay with his guests, as is reasonably possible by those whose names are on the board shall not forfeit his place or his guests


(c) No food may be eaten in the Snooker Room, and mobile phones must not be used in there.




(a) Members taking part in competitions must make sure that the means of contacting them by telephone is on the file in the snooker room or displayed on the main Sports Notice Board. If failure to do so results in prevention of a match being organised, disqualification of the offender will result.


(b) No more than one external match shall be played on the night, with the exception of league team matches.


(c) No individual competition matches, league or internal, may be played on Friday evenings or during Sunday lunch-time opening. (Except on occasion with the consent of the General Committee.)


(d) Matches must be booked at least 24 hours in advance for competitions, and notice of the booking must be written in the competition book which is lodged in the Snooker Room.


(e) In the case of a dispute between parties in a competition, unless a written appeal is sent to the Sports Sub-Committee up to the closing date of that round of the competition, both parties may be disqualified.


(f) Except as above, there will be no extension of closing dates.


(g) All matches must be paid for.


(h) If markers are used, it is the responsibility of the competitors to arrange them.


(i) Winners of each round are responsible for entering the results on the tournament sheet.


(j) The organisation of the competition, e.g. number of frames, the handicap system, seeding procedure or deadlines, is the responsibility of the Sports Sub-Committee, who may wish, if required, to co-opt Members to their sub-committee for their expect above.




(a) Notice of Motions.

A notice informing Members of the date of the Annual General Meeting will be posted in the Club not later than 4 weeks before the date on which it will be held.

This notice will include a closing date for motions to be put before the meeting, and also of the closing date for the nominations of Officers and Committee men for election.


At least fourteen days before the date of the Annual General Meeting an Agenda for the Meeting and the Annual Balance Sheet shall be sent by email only and will be available in the Club on request.


(b) Ballot.

Six tellers will be selected at the Annual General Meeting from the Members present.

They will count and check the votes and report back to the meeting. The Treasurer or Auditor will supervise the tellers in duties.


(c) Annual General Meeting.

This shall be held at a time and place decided by the Committee, and in keeping with the Club Rules.

While the meeting is in progress the bar may be closed and all games will cease. No Visitors or Guests will be admitted during the evening of the Meeting.




(a) Committee Members should endeavour to attend as many meetings of the Committee as possible in the course of the year.


(b) The record of attendance of all Committee-Men at General Committee Meetings shall be published before each Annual General Meeting at the same time, and in the same place as is set aside for nomination of the new Committee Members.





(a) Chairmen of each Sub-Committee are responsible for arranging monthly meetings.

It is recommended that meetings be held at a fixed time at a fixed day of each month as in the case with the General Committee Meetings. For other meetings, Committee Members must be given seven days notice.


(b) Rules of attendance shall be as for the General Committee Rule 10 (a).


(c) Sub-Committees wishing to spend sums in excess of £250 must submit details to the General Committee for their approval.

(d) Sub-Committees who anticipate exceeding allowance on any one item by 15% or £250, whichever shall be the lesser sum, shall obtain approval of the General Committee before expending such sums.


(e) All Sub-Committees are to be accountable to the General Committee.


(f) It is undesirable for a quorum to consist of fewer than three Members.









Revision and Review Log Follows.




9th Jun 1998

Amendment to Bye-laws Rule no. 2

The General Committee proposed that Bye-law Rule 2 will be as follows:

Prior to the formal provision for proposal and seconding of a new Member as laid out in Rule 7(1), such persons will be selected in order from the Club waiting list.

The Proposer will be held responsible for the New Member for a period of 6 months from the day of their Election.




25th Feb 2017

Scanned document and created this online copy.    D. Colohan.




27th Feb 2017

Created Index page and Revision and Review Log page.   D. Colohan.




28th Feb 2017

Committee Meeting to revise the Bye-Laws.




28th Feb 2017

Change to Bye-law no. 1(a).

Number of Members increased from 500 to 700 Members.




28th Feb 2017

Amendment to Bye-Laws nos. 4(a), 5(c), 5(d) and 6(c).

The job title “Steward” changed to “Bar Personnel”




28th Feb 2017

Amendment to Bye-Law no.5(a).

Was - “Vests and Shorts as outer garments will not be permitted in the Club”

Changed to - “Vests as outer garments will not be permitted in the Club”.

Removed dates when shorts are allowed, to allow them at anytime.




28th Feb 2017

Removed Bye-Law 5(f) and replaced with new Bye-Law.

Removed - (f) Members may introduce ladies as their guest on Saturday and Sunday evenings and Bank Holidays as long as the Rules pertaining to guests generally are obeyed.

Replaced with - (f) The use of e-cigarettes is not permitted inside the Club premises, except in the permitted smoking areas.




28th Feb 2017

Amendment to Bye-Law no. 5(h).

Was -  “Children will be allowed into the Club on Saturdays between the hours of and”

Changed to -  “Children will be allowed into the Club on Saturdays between the hours of Noon and 6:00 pm”




28th Feb 2017

Amendment to Bye-Law no. 5(k).

Was - (k) Neither domestic pets or any other animals may be brought into the Club, or on organised Club outings.

Changed to - (k) Neither domestic pets or any other animals may be brought into the Club, or on organised Club outings, unless at the discretion of the Secretary or the Bar Personnel.




28th Feb 2017

Removal of Bye-Laws nos. 6(a) and (b). Bye-Laws no. 6(c) and (d) redesignated as 6(a) and (b) respectively.

Removed - “(a) All internal Competitions are to be played according to the rules applying at the time, and posted on the notice board. Matters of dispute must be addressed in writing to the Sports Sub-Committee which will arbitrate the disputes.

(b) On all occasions the Club’s and Members equipment must be treated with consideration.”




28th Feb 2017

Amendment to Bye-Law no. 7(c).

Was - (c) No food, crisps or sweets may be eaten in the Snooker Room.

Changed to - (c) No food may be eaten in the Snooker Room, and mobile phones must not be used in there.




28th Feb 2017

Removal of Bye-Law no. 8(d) and renumbered Bye-Laws nos. 8(e)-(k) as 8(d)-(j).

Removed - (d) All competition matches of any sort must begin before 10.00pm in the evenings and 1.30pm on Saturday afternoons.




28th Feb 2017

Amendment to Bye-Law no. 9(a).

Paragraph was - “At least fourteen days before the date of the Annual General Meeting an Agenda for the Meeting and the Annual Balance Sheet shall be posted to the last known address of each Member.”

Changed to - “At least fourteen days before the date of the Annual General Meeting, an Agenda for the Meeting and the Annual Balance Sheet shall be made available on request.”




28th Feb 2017

Amendment to Bye-Law no. 9(c).

Was - (c) Annual General Meeting.

This shall be held at a time and place decided by the Committee, and in keeping with the Club Rules.

While the meeting is in progress the bar will be closed and all games will cease.

Changed to - (c) Annual General Meeting.

This shall be held at a time and place decided by the Committee, and in keeping with the Club Rules.

While the meeting is in progress the bar may be closed and all games will cease. No Visitors or Guests will be admitted during the evening of the Meeting.




28th Feb 2017

Amendment to Bye-Laws nos. 11(c) and (d).

Amounts of £150 changed to £250.




28th Feb 2017

Amendment to Bye-Law no. 12(b).

Was - (b) The Committee shall consist of the Secretary of the Club, together with the Chairman and Treasurer and a delegate from each Sub-Committee.

Changed to - (b) The Committee shall consist of the Secretary and Assistant Secretary of the Club, together with the Chairman and Treasurer and the Chairman from each Sub-Committee.




26th April 2017 (AGM)

Change to Bye-Law 1(a) – Membership.

Amount of Members changed from 500 Members to 700 Members.

Agreed at AGM 2017.




26th April 2017 (AGM)

Added to Bye-Law 1(b) – Membership.

“A Member is allowed to sign-in up to three Guests at a time.”

Agreed at AGM 2017.




26th April 2017 (AGM)

Added to Bye-Law 1(c) – Membership. Agreed at AGM 2017.

“A £5 charge for late payment of Subscriptions or Subscriptions Renewals will be applied from 31st January 2018.”




26th April 2017 (AGM)

Amendment to Bye-Law 9(A) – AGM – Notice of Motions.

“At least fourteen days before the date of the Annual General Meeting an Agenda for the Meeting and the Annual Balance Sheet shall be made available on request.”

changed to -

“At least fourteen days before the date of the Annual General Meeting an Agenda for the Meeting and the Annual Balance Sheet shall be sent by email only and will be available in the Club on request.”

Agreed at AGM 2017.




9th April 2019 Committee Meeting

5(h) – Children allowed in on Sunday afternoons

5 (j) – rewording of occasions list

5(l) – removed section on cashing of cheques

6(a) – extended to include social events

8(b) – changed to reflect there are two snooker tables not three

12 – removed section regarding the Finance Sub-Committee






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