Club Events

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

CWMSC AGM 2024 - AGM Agenda 2024 and AGM 2023 Minutes


Caversham Working Men's Social Club
Good Afternoon Gentlemen

The Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 22nd May at  8.00pm. 

Please note, this is a members only event – the club will be closed to non-members.
 Caversham Working Men’s Social Club        

This is the Agenda for the meeting.-   
115th Annual General Meeting.           22nd May 2024
  1. President to Open the Meeting.  8pm                                  
  1. President to ask the members to stand as a mark of respect for the passing of:
Ron Strong, John Wells, Rod Partlow, Bill Simmonds, Michael Noakes, Rob Witney, Mick Carter, Ron Doe, Bill Blesssett, Roy Wilcox, John Buckley, John Sawyer, Rob Key, Mark Clark, John Webb
  1. Apologies for Absence: Glen Rothwell, Tony Russell, Peter Kay,
  1. Minutes of last Meeting:  Secretary – Dave Alder
  1. Matters Arising:
  1. Presentation of the Balance Sheets by Treasurer - Mark Ferriss – Statement reading by Dave Alder
  1. President’s Comments.           Steve Dargie   
  1. Chairman Comments             Mark Howarth,
  1. Secretary Comments              Dave Alder
  1. Election of President. Steve Dargie 
  1. Election of the Trustees    P Kay, W. Matthews - A. Lambert
  1. Election of Auditor – Mark Ferris
Proposed: Col Main
Seconded: Dave Alder
  1. The following are standing for committee
R Hine
A Thumwood
D Pembroke
R Tyler
T Murtagh
S Palmer
  1. Proposals – Rule Changes
  2. The proposed changes reflect an increase in Honorary and Life Members failing to visit the club at all and/or not picking up their new yearly membership cards. The only way we can truly check if these members wish to remain a member of the club is to request that they must pick up their new membership card annually themselves or arrange for it to be picked up by another.

    Current rule:
    (6) Honorary Members. The Committee shall have the right to elect as Honorary Members any Member who they consider has rendered special service to the Club. Honorary Members shall not be liable to pay subscriptions under the Rule 8 but shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of the Club Membership including the rights to attend meetings, vote at election and be nominated for Committee or any other Office.

    Proposed rule:
    (6) Honorary Members. The Committee shall have the right to elect as Honorary Members any Member who they consider has rendered special service to the Club. Honorary Members shall not be liable to pay subscriptions under the Rule 8 but shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of the Club Membership including the rights to attend meetings, vote at election and be nominated for Committee or any other Office. Honorary Members must still collect their new membership card each year to prove they would like their Membership to continue. Honorary Members cards can be collected by an appointed other. Failure to collect the Membership Card will result in non membership.

    Current rule:
    (7) Life Members. Life membership shall be automatically granted to any current member who, on the 1st January enters the top 25 current members with the longest continual membership. Life Members shall not be liable to pay subscriptions under the Rule 8 but shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of the Club Membership including the rights to attend meetings, vote at election and be nominated for Committee or any other Office.

    Proposed rule:
    (7) Life Members. Life membership shall be automatically granted to any current member who, on the 1st January enters the top 25 current members with the longest continual membership. Life Members shall not be liable to pay subscriptions under the Rule 8 but shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of the Club Membership including the rights to attend meetings, vote at election and be nominated for Committee or any other Office. Life Members must still collect their new membership card each year to prove they would like their Life Membership to continue. Life Members cards can be collected by an appointed other. Failure to collect the Membership Card will result in non membership.

    Rule change to allow an increase the Membership Fees as and when needed, by Committee approval.

    Current Rule:
    8. SUBSCRIPTION. Every Member of the Club (other than Honorary and Life Members) shall pay a Subscription of £25 or such lesser amount as has been decided by the Members at a General Meeting of the Club. The Subscription becomes due on the first day of January annually. There will be no Subscription payable by Honorary or Life Members. A £5 charge for late payment of a Subscription (or Subscription Renewal) will be applied after 31st January 2018

    Proposed rule:
    8. SUBSCRIPTION. Every Member of the Club (other than Honorary and Life Members) shall pay a Subscription of £50 or such lesser amount as has been decided by the Members at a General Meeting of the Club. The Subscription becomes due on the first day of January annually. There will be no Subscription payable by Honorary or Life Members. A £5 charge for late payment of a Subscription (or Subscription Renewal) will be applied after 31st January, each year

    The following rule needs to be suspended until such time that the committee deem an external auditor is required. As you may recall, at last years membership it was proposed that we look at alternatives to having an external auditor. No objections were noted at that time.

    Suspend the following rule:
    21. AUDITOR. 
  3.  (1) The Club shall in each year of account, appoint a qualified Auditor. For the purpose of this Rule “qualified Auditor” means a person who is qualified under Section 36 of the Friendly Societies Act 1974. 
  4. (2) Save as provided in paragraph (3) of this Rule, every appointment of an Auditor shall be made by resolution of a General Meeting of the Club. 
    (3) The Committee may appoint an Auditor to fill any casual vacancy occurring between General Meetings of the Club. 
    (4) A qualified Auditor appointed to audit the accounts of the Club and its balance sheet for the preceding year of accounts (whether by a General Meeting or by the Committee) shall be re-appointed as Auditor of the Club for the current year of accounts (whether or not any Resolution expressly appointing him has been passed) unless: 
    (a) A Resolution has been passed at a General Meeting of the Club appointing somebody instead of him or providing expressly that he shall not be re-appointed  
    (b) He has given to the Club notice in writing of his unwillingness to be re-appointed  
    (c) He is ineligible for appointment as Auditor of the Club for the current year of account or 
    (d) He has ceased to act as Auditor of the Club by reason of incapacity 
    Provided that a retiring auditor shall not be automatically re-appointed by virtue of his notice of an intended resolution to appoint another person in his place has been given in accordance with Paragraph 5 of this rule and the resolution cannot be proceeded with because of the death, incapacity or ineligibility of that other person. 
    (5) A Resolution at a General Meeting of the Club 
    (i) Appointing another person as an Auditor in place of the retiring Qualified Auditor  
    (ii) Providing expressly that a retiring Auditor shall not be re-appointed, shall not be effective unless notice of the intention to move it has been given to the Club not less than twenty eight days before the Meeting at which it is moved. On receipt by the Club of notice of the intention to move such Resolution, the Club shall give notice of a Resolution to the Members in accordance with Section 34 of the Friendly Societies Act 1974. The Club shall also give notice to the retiring Auditor in accordance with Section 35 of the Friendly Societies Act I974 and shall give notice to the Members in accordance with that section of any representation made or intended to be made by the retiring Auditor. 
    (6) None of the following persons shall be appointed as Auditor of the Club: 
    (a) An Officer or Servant of the Club 
    (b) A person who is a partner of or in employment of or who employs an Officer or Servant of the Club 
    (c) A Body Corporate 
    (7) The auditor shall, in accordance with Section 38 of the Friendly Societies Act l974 make a report to the Club on the accounts examined by him and on the revenue account or accounts and the balance sheet of the Club for the year of accounts to respect of which he is appointed. 

    Change required to remove the auditor note.

    Current Rule:
  5.  Every year before the 1st June the Secretary of the Club shall send to the Registrar an Annual Return relating to its affairs for the period required to be included in the Return. 
  6. The Return shall be made up for the period beginning with the 1st January of the year preceding the year in which the Return is required to be sent and ending with the 31st December than last inclusively. 
    The Return must be made in the form prescribed by the Chief Registrar and contain such particulars as may from time to time be required by the form. A copy of the Report of the Auditor on the accounts and balance sheet contained in the Return must be sent with the Annual Return. 
  7.  The Secretary shall supply gratuitously to every Member or Persons interested in the Funds of the Club on application either a copy of the last Annual Returns or a balance sheet or other documents duly audited containing the same particulars relating to the affairs of the Club as are contained in the Annual Return together with a copy of the Report of the Auditor on the Annual Return or his Report on the balance sheet or other documents supplied in lieu of the Annual Return. 

    Proposed Rule:
  8.  Every year before the 1st June the Secretary of the Club shall send to the Registrar an Annual Return relating to its affairs for the period required to be included in the Return. 
  9. The Return shall be made up for the period beginning with the 1st January of the year preceding the year in which the Return is required to be sent and ending with the 31st December than last inclusively. 
    The Return must be made in the form prescribed by the Chief Registrar and contain such particulars as may from time to time be required by the form. 
  10.  The Secretary shall supply gratuitously to every Member or Persons interested in the Funds of the Club on application either a copy of the last Annual Returns or a balance sheet or other documents containing the same particulars relating to the affairs of the Club as are contained in the Annual Return and his Report on the balance sheet or other documents supplied in lieu of the Annual Return. 
  1. A O B
Glen Rothwell – Building questions
Martin Manion – Query regarding wording of rule 8.
Tony Russell – Query regarding rule change to upper limit of membership fee.
Meeting  To Close:

*** End Of AGM Agenda ****

Minutes of AGM 2023
Caversham Working Men’s Social Club           
114th Annual General Meeting.           7th June 2023
  1. President Opened the Meeting.  8pm
Attendance: 38                                  
  1. President asked the members to stand as a mark of respect for the passing of:
Billy Weal – John Kennedy – Alan Bowley – Alan Clinch – Brian Verney – The Queen
  1. Apologies for Absence: Mark Ferris – Mr. J. Gould – Martin Coates
  1. Minutes of last Meeting:  Secretary – Dave Alder
Proposed: Trevor Rock
Seconded: Nigel Woodcraft
  1. Matters Arising:
  1. Presentation of the Balance Sheets by Treasurer - Mark Ferriss – Statement reading by Dave Alder
Good evening gentlemen,
First of all please accept my apologies for not being in attendance this evening. I  am attending a double family funeral in Ireland.
The 2022 Accounts
2022 was our first full year of trading post covid. The focus of the management committee was to bring members back into the club increasing usage back to pre-covid levels.
The trading in the club improved through 2022with the trend continuing into 2023.
The key issue has been managing the inflationary cost increases.
The bar account shows receipts of £284,744 leaving a gross profit of £150,812, nearly 53%.
Other income generated a further £40,795 of revenue giving a total income of £191,607.
Expenditure for year of £192,249 leaves a small deficit of £642.
Within Expenditure we are showing significant increases across wages and salaries as we have had to implement cost of living increases for the staff.
Miscellaneous expenses relate to the net costs that we have incurred on club events as we try and bring members back into the club.
TV packages have increased in price at alarming rates to the point where we have had to make the decision to remove BT sports from our line up.
Nevertheless we constantly monitor all of the costs and run the club and bar pricing accordingly.
Auditors: The audit fee has increased from £3,000 to £4,000 this year. Unfortunately due to the illness of our audit partner we had significant issues dealing with Vale and West. Whilst the audit itself was fine with no changes to the accounts, communication was difficult and sporadic and we would like to explore a different audit solution for 2023, handled by myself, M Ferriss, with the acceptance of the members.
Note: There were no objections from the floor to this approach
Questions re: accounts.
Q1: Please detail the miscellaneous expenses of £7000.
A1: Dave Alder advised that it is covered in the accounts, if more detail is required then please contact M Ferriss for further details.
Q2: Why are we seeing a significant increase wages?
A2: Yes, we have increased staff wages. Due to minimum wage increases.
Q3: Why don’t we have BT Sports?
A3: The TV packages have increased at alarming rates. It was decided that we were not getting value for money on BT Sports so decided to cancel the contract.
Note: Members in the meeting did convey their opinion that we should still have BT Sports. The President agreed.
Q4: Why did we keep Sky Sports?
A4: This was because the sports options do keep members returning to the club.
Mark has also said that he's happy to arrange a meeting. With the club members, if they would like, these finances discussed in depth.
Proposed: Nigel Woodcraft
Seconded:  Richard Hine
  1. President’s Comments.           Steve Dargie   
Thanks for so many attending the AGM.
Thanks to two special committee members who are stepping down this year, Maurice Hawkins and George Talbot.
As far as I'm concerned, we have lost 2 fantastic members of the of the committee.
Luckily, they do still want to help, but not as full time Committee Members.
These two people, over the last 10 years, have probably contributed as much to the committee as anybody I've known for 40 years.
I would also like to single out praise for another Committee member, Trevor Rock.  Due to his  years long continued service I propose that Trevor Rock to be an honorary member of the club.
Can I have the members' approval? (Approved unanimously).
  1. Chairman Comments             Maurice Hawkins,
It has been another busy year for the Committee.
Unfortunately, we lost 3 committee members for personal reasons.
The committee members and club secretary still did a tremendous job of covering all of the functions.
The building committee have been maintaining the club to quite a high standard and anything that needs to be done that's been attended to.
Lastly, I would like to thank the members. Without their continuing support, there would be no need for this tonight. They are the kingpin to this club.
  1. Secretary Comments              Dave Alder
Thanks to
Club President Steve Dargie for his continued support.
Chairman Maurice Hawkins for a job well done as he steps away he will remain an important member of the club as he carries on with building repairs, and the Friday roto.
Assistant Secretary Colin Main for his contribution to this club which is beyond measure.
Committee Members for their support and input.
Especially Trevor Rock, for the incredible amount of work behind the scenes, from restocking the cellar, working the bar, preparing the club for Saturday Functions, keeping the car park and outside furniture looking great. His commitment to his committee duties and his valued input and never say no attitude is without doubt the reason I consider him an integral part of this club.
Throughout 2022 there were a Lot of issues between the staff and Bar Manager
There were also issues between the staff and club members and the bar manager
and club members. To rectify this Sharon Clark left the club mid-November.  I took the role of bar manager until the end of 2022 with the help of Sue Hawkins and the other members of staff.
The introduction of new staff members had a positive effect on the club.
Although we were short staffed late December due to illness
We managed well with the help of Trevor Rock and the many shifts covered by Sue and DeeDee.
New Cellar Manager Mark Halsey and New Bar Staff member Emily Cross gave us more flexibility behind the bar.
The staff camaraderie is at its highest since I started her in July 2021
Sue Hawkins has been promoted to bar manager, having easily passed her probation.
It took until June of 2022 for the deliveries to return to normal.
2023 already looks to be heading in the right direction with the bank balance increasing.
  1. Election of President. Steve Dargie 
Proposed: R Hine
Seconded:  T Rock                 
  1. Kenneth Hanson Standing for Election of Vice President
Proposed: G Cleal
Seconded: G Talbot
  1. Election of the Trustees    W. Matthews - A. Lambert
Proposed: T Rock
Seconded:  G Cleal
Note: The members did question if we needed a minimum of 3 trustees, as we lost one this year. The committee acknowledged the question and advised it would be looked in to. It was also mentioned that we might need a replacement for Bill Mathews due to declining health.                                                                                                                             
  1. Election of Auditor – Vale and West
This is now under review with the approval of all members present.
  1. The following are standing for committee
Guy Cleall
Trevor Rock
Mark Howarth
Tim Keep
Matt Durbridge
Due to the lack of numbers for Committee membership, all people standing were automatically voted on.
  1. Proposals – JR
JR requested a change to the rules around Guest membership.
The current rule suggested that you couldn't sign your partner in for more than three times in a week. When actually you could, but the rules didn't say that at all. The rule should be  changed to make it more obvious what that rule is. I.e it doesn't apply to those not eligible to be members, which means any female.
The proposal was unanimously approved.
  1. A O B
Q1: Can we have a regular change of the guest beer?
A1: This will be actioned going forwards.
Meeting Closed: 21:03

*** End Of AGM Minutes 2023****

Kind Regards,
Dave Alder

Web site:            
Events / All emails: 
Events calendar:
Bar Telephone:            0118 9545434
Secretary’s Office:       0118 9473600

Saturday, May 18, 2024

email dated 18th May, 2024


Good Afternoon Gentlemen

Just a couple of things for your diary

Live music in the club tonight - A Beatle and Buddy Holly Tribute - From 8pm

AGM is on Wednesday 22nd - Members only - NO guests allowed in the club after 7pm

Sunday 26th sees the return of pop trio 'Past & Present' They will be here from 3pm until 6pm

The Wake for JOHN WEBB will be held in the club from 12 o'clock midday on Monday 20th May

Kind Regards
Dave Alder
Club Secretary

Web site:            
Events / All emails: 
Events calendar:
Bar Telephone:            0118 9545434
Secretary’s Office:       0118 9473600

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

email dated 15th May, 2024 - Rules, function room issues, new membership applications, snooker cues.


Caversham Working Men's Social Club
Good Day gentlemen.

Unfortunately due to a few incidents in the past year we have to notify of you of some additional rules and processes.

1. Due to local complaints and Council initiatives, smoking on the steps outside the club is not allowed by members or visitors. Littering the area outside the club with cigarette ends is a criminal offence which the club will enforce with it’s own fines. Failure to comply will result in loss of membership.

2. The Function Room has just been painted. Absolutely nothing is allowed to be pinned/taped/blue tacked to the walls. Failure to follow this rule means loss of function room deposit. This will be included in the function room contract.

3. Due to some incidents at previous functions, the bar staff will have the right to suspend a function and stop serving drinks until the incident is dealt with, as determined by the bar staff. The bar staff have final say as to whether the function can continue. The member who booked the function must attend the function until it has ended. The member who booked the function remains the person responsible for all incidents. The member who booked the function is responsible for paying the deposit. This will be included in the function room contract.

4. We are about to tidy up the snooker room. We want to make sure that the only snooker cue’s in the room are those being used. If you have a snooker cue in the room then please let me know that you would like it to stay in the room. Make sure that your cue has your name clearly on the cue case. The big box of snooker cue’s. We will only have a small amount of space for cue’s, therefore, some some members may be disappointed to find their cue not being accommodated. Snooker cue’s not identified will be removed by the end of June and stored for collection.

5. When proposing or seconding a persons application for membership, can you please advise that they will need to still sign into the visitors book each time they visit the club with a member and they must also put a date against their name in the Application for Membership book, which is right by the Visitors book. Note: we only have a few spaces left to fill for this years membership. 

That's All For Now!!

Kind Regards
Dave Alder                    Col Main
Club Secretary              Assistant Secretary

email dated 15th May. 2024. CWMSC - AGM - Proposal for rule changes


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Caversham Working Men's Social Club
Good Afternoon Gentlemen

We would like to propose the following rule changes at the AGM 2024.

The proposed rule changes will be read out and the members can comment on before a vote on each proposed change.

The proposed changes reflect an increase in Honorary and Life Members failing to visit the club at all and/or not picking up their new yearly membership cards. The only way we can truly check if these members wish to remain a member of the club is to request that they must pick up their new membership card annually themselves or arrange for it to be picked up by another.

Current rule:
(6) Honorary Members. The Committee shall have the right to elect as Honorary Members any Member who they consider has rendered special service to the Club. Honorary Members shall not be liable to pay subscriptions under the Rule 8 but shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of the Club Membership including the rights to attend meetings, vote at election and be nominated for Committee or any other Office.

Proposed rule:
(6) Honorary Members. The Committee shall have the right to elect as Honorary Members any Member who they consider has rendered special service to the Club. Honorary Members shall not be liable to pay subscriptions under the Rule 8 but shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of the Club Membership including the rights to attend meetings, vote at election and be nominated for Committee or any other Office. Honorary Members must still collect their new membership card each year to prove they would like their Membership to continue. Honorary Members cards can be collected by an appointed other. Failure to collect the Membership Card will result in non membership.

Current rule:
(7) Life Members. Life membership shall be automatically granted to any current member who, on the 1st January enters the top 25 current members with the longest continual membership. Life Members shall not be liable to pay subscriptions under the Rule 8 but shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of the Club Membership including the rights to attend meetings, vote at election and be nominated for Committee or any other Office.

Proposed rule:
(7) Life Members. Life membership shall be automatically granted to any current member who, on the 1st January enters the top 25 current members with the longest continual membership. Life Members shall not be liable to pay subscriptions under the Rule 8 but shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of the Club Membership including the rights to attend meetings, vote at election and be nominated for Committee or any other Office. Life Members must still collect their new membership card each year to prove they would like their Life Membership to continue. Life Members cards can be collected by an appointed other. Failure to collect the Membership Card will result in non membership.

Rule change to allow an increase the Membership Fees as and when needed, by Committee approval.

Current Rule:
8. SUBSCRIPTION. Every Member of the Club (other than Honorary and Life Members) shall pay a Subscription of £25 or such lesser amount as has been decided by the Members at a General Meeting of the Club. The Subscription becomes due on the first day of January annually. There will be no Subscription payable by Honorary or Life Members. A £5 charge for late payment of a Subscription (or Subscription Renewal) will be applied after 31st January 2018

Proposed rule:
8. SUBSCRIPTION. Every Member of the Club (other than Honorary and Life Members) shall pay a Subscription of £50 or such lesser amount as has been decided by the Members at a General Meeting of the Club. The Subscription becomes due on the first day of January annually. There will be no Subscription payable by Honorary or Life Members. A £5 charge for late payment of a Subscription (or Subscription Renewal) will be applied after 31st January 2018

The following rule needs to be suspended until such time that the committee deem an external auditor is required. As you may recall, at last years membership it was proposed that we look at alternatives to having an external auditor. No objections were noted at that time.

Suspend the following rule:

 (1) The Club shall in each year of account, appoint a qualified Auditor. For the purpose of this Rule “qualified Auditor” means a person who is qualified under Section 36 of the Friendly Societies Act 1974. 

(2) Save as provided in paragraph (3) of this Rule, every appointment of an Auditor shall be made by resolution of a General Meeting of the Club. 
(3) The Committee may appoint an Auditor to fill any casual vacancy occurring between General Meetings of the Club. 
(4) A qualified Auditor appointed to audit the accounts of the Club and its balance sheet for the preceding year of accounts (whether by a General Meeting or by the Committee) shall be re-appointed as Auditor of the Club for the current year of accounts (whether or not any Resolution expressly appointing him has been passed) unless: 
(a) A Resolution has been passed at a General Meeting of the Club appointing somebody instead of him or providing expressly that he shall not be re-appointed  
(b) He has given to the Club notice in writing of his unwillingness to be re-appointed  
(c) He is ineligible for appointment as Auditor of the Club for the current year of account or 
(d) He has ceased to act as Auditor of the Club by reason of incapacity 
Provided that a retiring auditor shall not be automatically re-appointed by virtue of his notice of an intended resolution to appoint another person in his place has been given in accordance with Paragraph 5 of this rule and the resolution cannot be proceeded with because of the death, incapacity or ineligibility of that other person. 
(5) A Resolution at a General Meeting of the Club 
(i) Appointing another person as an Auditor in place of the retiring Qualified Auditor  
(ii) Providing expressly that a retiring Auditor shall not be re-appointed, shall not be effective unless notice of the intention to move it has been given to the Club not less than twenty eight days before the Meeting at which it is moved. On receipt by the Club of notice of the intention to move such Resolution, the Club shall give notice of a Resolution to the Members in accordance with Section 34 of the Friendly Societies Act 1974. The Club shall also give notice to the retiring Auditor in accordance with Section 35 of the Friendly Societies Act I974 and shall give notice to the Members in accordance with that section of any representation made or intended to be made by the retiring Auditor. 
(6) None of the following persons shall be appointed as Auditor of the Club: 
(a) An Officer or Servant of the Club 
(b) A person who is a partner of or in employment of or who employs an Officer or Servant of the Club 
(c) A Body Corporate 
(7) The auditor shall, in accordance with Section 38 of the Friendly Societies Act l974 make a report to the Club on the accounts examined by him and on the revenue account or accounts and the balance sheet of the Club for the year of accounts to respect of which he is appointed. 

Change required to remove the auditor note.

Current Rule:

 Every year before the 1st June the Secretary of the Club shall send to the Registrar an Annual Return relating to its affairs for the period required to be included in the Return. 

The Return shall be made up for the period beginning with the 1st January of the year preceding the year in which the Return is required to be sent and ending with the 31st December than last inclusively. 
The Return must be made in the form prescribed by the Chief Registrar and contain such particulars as may from time to time be required by the form. A copy of the Report of the Auditor on the accounts and balance sheet contained in the Return must be sent with the Annual Return. 

 The Secretary shall supply gratuitously to every Member or Persons interested in the Funds of the Club on application either a copy of the last Annual Returns or a balance sheet or other documents duly audited containing the same particulars relating to the affairs of the Club as are contained in the Annual Return together with a copy of the Report of the Auditor on the Annual Return or his Report on the balance sheet or other documents supplied in lieu of the Annual Return. 

Proposed Rule:

 Every year before the 1st June the Secretary of the Club shall send to the Registrar an Annual Return relating to its affairs for the period required to be included in the Return. 

The Return shall be made up for the period beginning with the 1st January of the year preceding the year in which the Return is required to be sent and ending with the 31st December than last inclusively. 
The Return must be made in the form prescribed by the Chief Registrar and contain such particulars as may from time to time be required by the form. 

 The Secretary shall supply gratuitously to every Member or Persons interested in the Funds of the Club on application either a copy of the last Annual Returns or a balance sheet or other documents containing the same particulars relating to the affairs of the Club as are contained in the Annual Return and his Report on the balance sheet or other documents supplied in lieu of the Annual Return. 

**** End of proposed rule changes ****

That's All For Now!!

Kind Regards
Dave Alder
Club Secretary

Friday, May 3, 2024

email dated 3rd May, 2024


Caversham Working Men's Social Club
Good Afternoon Gentlemen

Updates & More

The painting of the club is almost finished - New wall lights should be done sometime next week
The table & chairs situated next to the toilets have been moved to another part of the function room - these will be moved back over the weekend after the paint has dried fully

Saturday 11th is fish'n'chip night - closing date for orders is Thursday 9th

Live Music
Saturday 18th we have Live Music from 8pm

You still have until May 13th to send in any proposals or AOB related items

Rob Key
Yesterday(2nd May) as requested, Rob was given an unattended funeral - His wake will be held in the club on Saturday 4th from 6pm

John Webb
We have been informed of the passing of Club Member John Webb - John passed away on Saturday 27th April - As yet we do not have any details of his funeral

John Webb

That's All For Now!!

Kind Regards
Dave Alder
Club Secretary