Good Day Gentlemen and a very Happy New Year,
Please note that the annual membership renewal subscription is due from the Tuesday 2nd January, 2024.
Renewal Fees can be paid and Membership Cards are available for pick up from the bar on the Tuesday 2nd January, 2024.
Please renew by handing over your till card so that we can link payment to your membership.
Fees have changed since last year -
£25.00 under 65 £20.00 65+
You will still be able to renew in February, but will be charged an additional late fee of £5.
Members who have not renewed by the end of February will have their membership cancelled and will have to go through an application to re-join.
The membership is full at this time, but this could change by the end of February.
We now have a waiting list of 120 people which will mean that it will become harder to re-join.
If you are receiving this email because you are on the waiting list then you will be contacted in March for an invite to join, if there is space available.
The club has worked hard to keep renewal prices competitive. However, we have had to make an increase in 65+ due to the increasing number of that age range.
We have to get AGM approval to raise the £25 limit for membership. This will be on the 2024 AGM agenda.
We would like to thank you all for renewing in a timely manor as this really does help the club keep prices down. It is great value.
Please do visit the club to pay your renewal subscription and pick up your new membership card by the end of January 2024. Cheques are not accepted.
If you now anyone who will not be able to attend the club due to unforeseen circumstance then please do let me know.
Some members will not see this renewal request. Please do spread the word to the other members to help remind them.
Note: Renewals are not available after 8pm on Fridays.
Kind Regards, Col Main Assistant Secretary Caversham Working Men's Social Club |